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Gazebo F2F
The Place Where Friends Meet

Gazebo F2F is a 'pure' Friend-to-Friend application, which treats the difficult F2F setup, step by step. Although the current version supports only the Chat service, it was designed as a software platform on which other services (like collaborative work, file sharing and video/audio streaming) could later be added.

The biggest advantages of the Friend-to-Friend model are : anonymity and security. Anonymity, because you only connect to friends of yours from real life, so noone outside your circle of friends will know who you are and how to find you (on the network), and security, because these type of networks are immune to DoS, Sybil and Eclipse attacks and each node is a single point of failure (if a node fails, the network continues to work fine).

This paper presents more about Friend-to-Friend networks in Chapter 2. It also provides a short description of Gazebo F2F' design in Section 5.1, a developer's guide (which presents the application from a higher level) in Section 5.2 and an usage scenario in Section 5.4 for those who want to use this application. Also, Section 5.3 presents some future services that should be implemented in Gazebo F2F, so those who are interested in C++ and wxWidgets (and F2F , why not), and want to contribute to the improvement of this application, send me a message.

Copyright © 2009 Stefan Silvestru All Rights Reserved.